
Help Older Adults, Care Partners and Communities Thrive
AAAA provides services, connections and innovations to help people thrive as they age. Through partnerships with community-based organizations, healthcare organizations and others, we deliver services where they are needed most. We are committed to reducing disparities and ensuring equity and inclusivity within aging services.
Donations to the Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging are used to support development and sustainability of aging services and programs throughout the seven county Arrowhead Region of Minnesota. If you live, work, visit or play in the Arrowhead, please consider donating to support older adults in our Northeast MN communities.
Thank you for donating to and Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging in the Arrowhead Region!
Or feel free to send a check to:
Arrowhead Regional Development Commission (ARDC)
Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging
221 West 1st Street
Duluth, MN 55802
Questions? Please call us at 218-529-7524.
Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. View our donor privacy policies.