Ann Bussey
Ann Bussey, rural community advocate from Side Lake, receives the 2023 Minnesota Rural Health Hero Policy Award for her advocacy work in ensuring the needs of older adults on the Iron Range, as well those across Greater Minnesota and rural America, are reflected in policy decisions.
Every year the Minnesota Rural Health Awards are given to individuals and groups who have made a significant contribution to improving rural health in Minnesota. Ann Bussey, rural community advocate from Side Lake, received the 2023 Minnesota Rural Health Hero Policy Award for her advocacy work in ensuring the needs of older adults on the Iron Range, as well those across Greater Minnesota and rural America, are reflected in policy decisions.
A retired health care leader, Bussey has been a tireless advocate for equitable health opportunities for rural older adults. In 2021, she became a member of the inaugural cohort of the University of Minnesota Project REACH (Rural Experts Advancing Community Health) program that provides community leaders in rural Minnesota with health policy and leadership training. Bussey met with stakeholders across Minnesota to get feedback on her work and talk about the benefits of creating and maintaining physical and virtual opportunities for older adults to stay connected and thrive in place. Bussey wrote the Aging in Minnesota Fact Sheet 2022 to help to reframe and inform the narrative on aging so that policymakers have a better understanding about the 65+ population in Minnesota; she has presented her work locally, statewide and nationally. To address isolation and help older adults use technology effectively, Bussey not only supports expanded broadband service across Minnesota’s rural and remote areas, but she has become a champion for providing digital inclusion and literacy to older adults through Minnesota’s libraries. As a result of Bussey’s policy work, the Minnesota State Library five-year plan includes initiatives that support Minnesota’s growing rural 65+ population. Ann was instrumental in helping launch the Arrowhead Changemakers cohort, an initiative funded through Age Friendly MN grants. This cohort of primarily older adults serve as aging advocates throughout the region, working to reframe aging, address ageism, and advocate for Age-Friendly efforts in their communities.