Brenda Shafer-Pellinen offers information for older adults to get involved in advocacy.
With a career spanning over 25 years, Brenda has long-time experience in both the legislative field and aging services. Brenda began her career with roles with the Minnesota House of Representatives and joined the Minnesota Senate staff in 1999. Brenda served under two respected legislators managing complex schedules, coordinating high-profile committees, and advancing policy agendas in the areas of healthcare policy, taxation, state and local government, and elections. She has also worked on advocacy campaigns for a variety of community stakeholders.
In 2016, Brenda transitioned to the Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging, applying her legislative expertise to the field of aging services. As an Information and Assistance Counseling Specialist, she provided long-term care options counseling and educated consumers about Medicare policy and healthcare coverage options. Since 2019, she has served on the AAAA planning staff under the Eldercare Development Partnership (EDP) Program managing multiple grant obligations and related projects.
Brenda holds a Bachelor of Arts in Individualized Studies – Aging Advocacy and Policy from Metropolitan State University. She has also completed various professional development courses, further enhancing her skills in aging services, project management, and legislative policy. With her unique blend of experience, Brenda continues to be a committed advocate for high-quality aging services programs and effective public policy.